If you go to a place like Cheltenham Spa there are some keys that you have to know. If the day it´s sunny enjoy it!! because maybe you will not see the sun in one month!!
In this picture look like i killed Pedro, but he is alive (or i think so)
If you are an international student, you should go to the coffee evenings and talk with Kathy GreenThere you can meet interesting people like two handsome indians guysor japanese people If your level of english isn´t very good, you can go to the free english lessons in Inlingüa. Which colour did you get? the pink one? don´t worry, we are in the beginners level as well!!But now, let´s go to talk about important subjects like drink and going out. Before going out there is somethings that you have to do:Learn the name of your street (it will be useful to come back home in the morning)
Take a very good dinnerIf you have a car, put the security sistem (a cat it´s enough)Don´t forget your Identity card, because if you are lucky enough...Check if you have shoes before leaveBy the way, if you are in a sport society, don´t forget your costume.
Everyweek one different!When people are a little bit tipsy they start to do things like pissing on the door of a neighbour ......
or stealing signs. This is not the correct way!!Ok, now we are ready. Let´s go to drink! The most important word in english is "pint", but you should pronounce like "paaaaint".You can order as much as you wantbut be careful because 2 pints are 1/2 of a litreIf you don´t like beer but you love vodka......a lot!! You can go to RevolutionRevolution is a club inside of a churchThe cocktails in there are amazing......but the queue is always so longWhen you are going to order don´t forget the VIP card, you can get discounts!! If you have no one, just look for Marcus!if your pocket is almost empty you can order a shootIt isn´t enough. What about another round?If today you´re feeling richer, why not order a pitcher? to share of coursebecause if not you can feel yourself like a charlie´s angelok, so. Revolution is close at 12. What we can do? We have some many options:
Go back home...No, go back home isn´t an option.
You can stay at the street and meet new interesting friendsor you can buy an useless bracelet for 4 pounds !! This is the most traditional english way to waste your money. Brilliant!If you don´t like these options at all, you can just go to a club. Blush is a good option if you are looking for fashion people and Indee music!If you prefer cheese music, Moda is the best placeIn the room downstairs sometimes the air is hot....
.. and other times you can find really strange people!If today is friday, the best place is subtone.
But remember to get your flier to go into for free!if you are lucky this day you can see one of the spanish who works in there,
like CarlosJuanCarlosor LauraThe best thing of subtone is that when you are a little bit tipsy,
the music is really good!and you can enjoy more the party taking picturesand more pictures!Also, you can spend your time in there flirting with old men!Another good thing of subtone is that is the only place wich close at 5.
That´s why when you are in there a couple of hour you start to feel like
if the love is in the airBut if you feel tired just take a break and do yoga,
then you can go on with the partyIf you prefer try new experiences you can visit others clubs and make special friends like a plant...... or a sofaBut if you are looking for another kind of new experiences, don´t worry cheltenham is also your place!